Wednesday, July 24, 2013

I`m a nature girl

De cand ma stiu am iubit parcurile...cand eram mai mica imi luam o patura si o carte buna si fugeam in parc.Imi alegeam un loc cu umbra, cel mai adesea sub un copac, unde imi intindeam patura si stateam acolo, uitand de mine, afundata in romanul pe care il citeam...probabil o aventura de-a lui Hercule Poirot, caci Agatha Christie a fost si ramane autoarea mea preferata...iar micul detectiv cel mai savuros personaj.Tot intr-un cadrul al naturii am citit si cartea mea favorita "Dragostea in vremea holerei" de G.G. Marquez (daca nu ati citit-o e obligatoriu sa va faceti timp pt ea...e o carte fabuloasa)...

Since forever i used to love parks...when i was little i used to grab a blanket and a good book and run to the park.I picked a spot, most often under a tree and forgot about me and just lived whatever novel i was reading...usually some adventure with Hercule Poirot, because Agatha Christie was and will always be my favorite writer and that little detective the most enchanting character.In the middle of nature is where i discovered my favorite book "Love in times of cholera" by G.G.Marquez (if you haven`t read it yet it`s a must because it`s a fabulous story)...

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